Last edited by pop3kbmod on Mon 11:44 pm, edited 3 times in total. So you can call it Kindred Blades mobile or whatever, I guess. If you have skills such as: 3D Animations, Game Programming, modding console games, or replacing a model inside a game. Prince of Persia 3 Kindred Blades (NOT The Two Thrones) for Java Forums. So i am looking for people if interested, to join my project. So i decided to remake the two thrones into the original game which was ment to be. People were dissapointed after the release of the third game, it did not promise all those things shown at E3 2005, you can check videos: Hello, today i am going to show you my work, ok so most of you may not know what is Prince of Persia Kindred Blades, it was the very first early sequal to Warrior Within, but later got scraped and the project changed into Prince of Persia the two thrones, a lot of stuff was scrapped - animations, fast speedkill, some walljumps, and the original story for the trilogy which was ment to be.